For your safety, the respect and well-being of the animals and the protection of the environment, it is imperative to respect the SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS below:

DOGS MUST BE KEPT ON A SHORT LEASH as soon as they get out of their car (and even in parking lots).
Please note that dogs are not allowed inside the Grande Volière, the Vivarium and the dwarf goat park.


Car tour parks

  • You must bring your own vehicle to visit the park: car, camper van or bus. Convertibles, motorcycles and bicycles are prohibited.
  • Check your fuel level.
  • Drive slowly: 10 km/h.
  • CLOSE YOUR WINDOWS COMPLETELY. Keep an eye on your children, and don’t let them open the car door or sunroof, or roll down the windows.
  • CAUTION DANGER! DO NOT STOP YOUR VEHICLE near Bears, Lions and Rhinos.
  • DO NOT get out of your car under any circumstances. In the event of an accident or breakdown: just honk the horn and a fleet manager will come to help you out or draw up a report.

Park on foot

  • Do not leave any valuables in the parking lots, and keep your vehicle securely locked. The management declines all responsibility in the event of theft.
  • Don’t cross any fences.
  • Don’t climb walls or trees.
  • Don’t chase animals.
  • Don’t throw anything at the animals.
  • Don’t pick plants, flowers or fruit.
  • Use trash cans.
  • FIRE PROHIBITED: Do not throw cigarette butts.
  • Bicycles, rollerblades and scooters prohibited.
  • No transistors or sound instruments.


Failure to comply with these safety instructions will render the unwary visitor solely liable.
For your safety, and in case of evacuation of the park, it is imperative to follow the instructions and recommendations given by the staff of the Réserve Africaine de Sigean.

Before visiting the Réserve Africaine de Sigean, please take a moment to read the safety instructions, for your safety and that of our animals.